Technology and Medicine: Helping Patients and Their Doctors Work Together

Initially, the Internet developed as a way to communicate with others in a quicker manner, such as email and chat rooms. It evolved to provide access and tools for research and information, making the encyclopedia obsolete. Next came e-commerce (Amazon) and the explosion of streaming media (Netflix). 

Most recently, the internet technology has infiltrated and permeated healthcare! Electronic Health Records (EHR), Digital Imaging (PACS), and Patient Portals all have improved the quality and delivery of better healthcare, mostly by improving communication between providers, and between providers and patients. 

Whether it be back-office patient insurance verification or pre-authorizations, front office patient scheduling, or patient access to their Protected Health Information (PHI) through encyrpyted secure patient portals via the web, technology has improved our ability as physicians, to provide the information, access and communication which will continue to ensure that our patient's experiences continue to be positive.

In my practice, we utilize all of the above to allow our patients access to their reports and results, to provide educational information about common foot problems via our website, and a communication portal for patients to reach me directly through our EHR/Portal system.

Yes, the internet is a lot more than a platform for just social media!!  Call our office today if you'd like to become a patient in our Eatontown or Toms River location.

Dr. Eric J. Abrams Dr. Abrams is a Fellow of the American College of Foot & Ankle Surgeons and is board certified by the American Board of Foot & Ankle Surgery. He currently practices in Monmouth and Ocean counties in New Jersey. He is also a clinical instructor at Jersey Shore University Medical Center's Podiatric Surgical Residency in Neptune, New Jersey.

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